What does it mean to be accountable?
Define accountability What does it mean to be accoun table in an agile environment? Meriam Webster defines it as the quality or state of being accountable, of being able to answer. When something goes wrong, for example in production, i n some organizations being accountable means having to defend oneself potentially to keep from getting fired. In an agile organization being accountable means being required to answer two questions. Why did the event with negative impact occur? What will be done to ensure that it doesn't occur again? The first question is about discovering the root cause of the issue. There are many methods that can be used to perform root cause analysis. The key is getting to the factors that caused the issue. Without this information it is not possible to start to formulate an answer to the second question. Once we know why an event occurred we can plan how to prevent it from happening again. The plan must address the class of issues, not just t...