DevOps is a mindset

DevOps, one of the current buzzwords in the industry. It is as important as Agility to the delivery of software and because it crosses traditional departmental boundaries, it is harder to achieve.

Similar to the way that Agile / Scrum practices broke down the barriers between Development and QA, DevOps, done properly, removes the barriers between Development and Operations. There is a natural tension between Development and Operations. On the Development side WE want agility and on the Operations side of the wall THEY want stability.
Right there, if you read carefully, is the challenge, we and them. With DevOps we can satisfy both sides because both sides gain an understanding and an appreciation of the other perspective and learn how to move forward in a safe stable manner so we don't negatively impact customers, but also in an agile and quick manner so that we can continuously provide value to our end users. As Donovan Brown, a Principle DevOps Manager with Microsoft, said "DevOps is the union of people, process, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to our end users."

From an organizational layout standpoint, there are a few ways to do DevOps correctly and many ways to do it incorrectly. DevOps Team Topologies gives a good overview of many of the options that exist, including many anti-patterns, or ways to make sure DevOps fails in your organization. I strongly believe that type 2 (Fully Shared Ops Responsibilty) is where we need to head, often type 1 (Dev and Ops Collaboration) is a step on that path. 

One reason I believe so strongly that we must have Operations knowledge on Scrum Teams is similar to the reason we need all other capabilities on the team. Scrum teams must be Well Formed Teams, they must have the capabilities needed to develop and deliver the product. Related to this is the fact that DevOps is not a team, it is not a person or group of people any more than Agile is any of those. DevOps is a mindset. For an organization to succeed at DevOps the culture of the organization must embrace and reward DevOps behaviors. I cannot state this strongly enough, DevOps is not a person or group of people; DevOps is a mindset.

There are many ways for an organization to include the DevOps mindset into their culture. Donovan Brown likes to say "rub a little DevOps on it and make it better" In most cases when we apply DevOps practices it is like a salve and we make things less painful. Examples include introducing an automated build, a CI/CD pipeline, or adding automated testing.

As part of the DevOps journey we want to shift quality left. In the spectrum of Develop, Build, Test, Deploy and Monitor wherever possible we want to move defect detection to the left. The reason is that by moving to the left we find the defect closer to the source, which makes it less costly to correct the defect. It is better, and cheaper to find a bug in testing than it is in the field, having an end-user find it. It is similarly cheaper to find a bug during development than during testing. The reason for this is the extra costs that exist to the right. If the end user finds a bug, it has to be fixed, retested, redeployed, etc. not to mention the potential cost in public opinion about the product and company. This same logic can be applied similarly to any case of moving quality left. 

As with anything Agile, we are looking to promote fast feedback loops. In this case, we want feedback about how the product is deployed and operates. Typically this is diagramed something like this.
By empowering the team to own the deployment and running of the product we make sure that they build a product that is deployable and monitorable. If not teams often do not think about those aspects because those concerns are outside of the team and often not a direct concern of the stakeholder.

DevOps is the next transformation that we as an Agile community must embrace. It is a challenging and fun journey and if you are focusing on continuously delivering value to your end-users then as Lou Bega said in Mambo Number 5 "And if it looks like this then you are doing it right"!


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